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Main competences and lines of research

RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) is a research institute and innovation partner owned by the Swedish government with a clear vision of developing new solutions for a sustainable future. RISE offers knowledge and resources within transformation management, applied research and development, testing, certification, calibration, as well as lifelong learning.

Within the landscape of Hydrogen RISE has focus on 4 industrial eco-systems: chemicals, steel, transportation, and electrofuels. Our expertise more specifically lies within process and analytical chemistry, materials, electrolysis, reforming, gasification, infrastructure system analysis, simulation/forecast/optimization, safety, and standardization/regulations.

RISE participates in projects that at system level are considering questions regarding the whole transforma

tion chain: from the energy source to green on-road, marine and air transport (electrical, hydrogen- and liquid e-fuel driven) applications. We are actively involved in discussions about hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and relevant infrastructural changes required. We are active in projects regarding new materials for hydrogen technologies (fuel cells, electrolyzers), development of electrochemical methods of fuel cell testing and material characterization, on both single cell and full stack level, as well as system integration and optimization.

The following non-explicit list of projects, led or participated by RISE, are representative for some of the things we do:

European projects:

National projects:

Recently finished projects:

RISE is also the leader of an innovation cluster with relation to hydrogen; Swedish Hydrogen Development Center (SHDC, Swedish Hydrogen Development Center (SHDC) (, that gathers specialists, researchers, business developers and decision makers within the Hydrogen network throughout Sweden. SHDC regularly organises presentations from the leading actors in Hydrogen production/storage/distribution, but also from Hydrogen users (e.g. hydrogen-driven transportation industries) to get the up-to-date insights into the area.

Hydrogen research infrastructure within RISE:

  • Test benches for single cell fuel cell measurements with sizes ranging from 3 to 50 cm2 and power range up to 100 W.
  • Fuel cell stack tester up to 2500 W.
  • Interfacial contact resistance equipment.
  • Test bench for single cell AEMWE measurements.
  • Impedance spectrometer.
  • Potentiostats.

Fuel cell lab at RISE in images:
rise fuel cell lab 1rise fuel cell lab 2rise fuel cell lab 3