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Info Materials 31 August 2021

New JP FCH Management Board

The new JP FCH Management Board [] has taken service!  The positions of Joint Programme Coordinator and Sub-Programme Coordinators were up for election last May 11th 2021, which resulted in the following representatives:



Vice coordinator



Stephen McPhail (ENEA)

Jari Kiviaho (VTT)


SP1 Electrolytes

Vito Di Noto (University of Padova)

Daria Vladikova (BAS)


SP2 Catalysts & Electrodes

John T.S. Irvine (University of St Andrews)

Miguel Laguna (CSIC)


SP3 Stack Materials and Design

Jari Kiviaho (VTT)

Nikolaos Margaritis (FZJ)


SP4 Systems

Vincenzo Mulone (University of Rome)


SP5 Modelling, Validation and Diagnosis

Mathias Gerard (CEA)

Martin Andersson (Lund University)


SP6 Hydrogen Production and Handling

Marta Maroño Bujan (CIEMAT)

Mª Asunción Fernández (CSIC)


SP7 Hydrogen Storage

Marcello Baricco (Università degli Studi di Torino)

Klaus Taube (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon)



The new Management Board has already convened to prepare for the next JP FCH action: the JP FCH 2021 Video review. Stay tuned!